I am posting something very personal about my last week in arena, but I think it can be interesting from the other players to read snd hopefully it can be a point for a constructive conversation.

This had been a very long week....I wanted to try to run for the Eternal for the first time after the changes of characters and score.
I thought it was nicer and interesting so i wanted to give it a try.
First of all congrats to the winner....he is too fast for me..I will never catch him I guess.
Then Congrats to Chaosego888. I am not sure he is a member of the forum but i hope he reads it. It was very challenging to comfront with you and you had been a very hard opponent to face during the whole week. The battle between us was absolutely epic from my point of view.

About Arena itself I think 8 but this is jus the ersonal opinion of a player) that a lot of work is still to be done.
The matchmaking continues to suck. I had to attack repeatedly always the same people as my lists were always the same.

I apologise with many of you but I had no choice. If you want to try to get to the Eternal you just have to shut up and clean the lists.

then about the 1:1 system and the dfenses. i think this new system made the game much more various as yu can use many more characters than before but....it completely killed defenses, which means that if you start to attack to win you enter a neverending circle. the more you attack to rank up, the more you get attaked by people who want to score up just cause you have an higher rank.
The more you get attacked...the more you must attack, and so on.
I ended the week doing more than 1000 attacks ( exactly 1027 95%)and I got attacked 785 times today i got an attack almost every 2 minutes.

To keep this rythm is absolutely crazy on the long trail.
It brought me to loose sleep and rest and to get more stressed than to have fun.
this is why i think i am not gonna run for the Eternal at least not in the very short trail ( even because after loosing it 4 times I guess is not my thing lol) .
This is why i am very happy this week is finally over....
it is time to keep back my free time and my sleep.

Does a chance to win the Eternal worth all of this?Loosing sleep...loosing time.....getting stressed and so on....