By the end of October, I shall be going completely casual.

I can't pretend any longer, I now resent this game and the amount of time it takes out of my day: Grinding troopers, grinding arena, and events that generally mean just a lot more grinding than usual (for a chance of something!). I have tried to keep going for the sake of my troopers, but it's just not fun anymore. Anyway, no need to rant - its all been said before.

So, I'll probably play until this weekend which gives you all a chance to find decent replacements if you choose to drop me (and can't blame you if you do). I'll cash in my stack of rare G/A souls which should be the final nail in the coffin when it comes out all 3* dupes. From Halloween onwards I will log in when I feel like it, rather than out of obligation.

I feel honoured to have counted some of the true luminaries of this community amongst my troops. It's you guys that have kept me going, so many thanks to you all - have fun, and maybe I'll see you around in future.