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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Askora View Post
    It's been a while since I've kept up with racing, but when I did it seemed to favor top drivers. Qualifying determines starting position. In a cup series, the top drivers are the ones who have the greatest chance of winning the cup.

    What you're suggesting is that players who put in a failing effort, little effort or absolutely no effort each week should have the same chances at eternal as those who do make the effort. How is that a fair system?
    Thank you Askora for chiming in and saying everything that myself and others are probably thinking. The arena reset system is NOT flawed. You may have some difficulty explaining this when they are talking about 'fairness.' Like you said, should I throw a fit because I was at 4800 points one week and dropped down to 1900 at the reset?

  2. #12
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    While there are plenty of players that do not try, I on the other hand have been playing each day and have not had the luck getting the skill shards needed to evolve talismans or certain characters needed.

    Even with a drop of 2700 points, you still are starting 450 points ahead of me.

    By doing a monthly reset, everyone would be on equal ground to start. Those who do not play or don’t care will soon be left behind. Those who have elite teams will soon shine.

    Reset the rewards each month also, like an event. Instantly gain loot when you pass certain markers.levels of points.

    Still have a reward system for the top teams.

  3. #13
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    You said it yourself, the top players will continue to be at the top. And, you misread that. I lost a little over 3,000 points. Giving you who only lost 300 points, an effective 2700 point gain. I checked and the player in 100th at reset was at 3600 points. So, they lost 1,700. Over 5 times as much as you.

    The simple answer is, that's just the way it works. But, put forth the effort to climb to the next tier. It will probably take some ironite and a fair amount of grinding in pvp. Once you do that, provided your offense and defense are good, you'll appreciate the system a lot more as it will be far easier to stay at that level.

  4. #14
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    It turns out it’s really not a matter how much was lost but rather how much behind some people are starting at the reset.

  5. #15
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    It's not a matter of luck in getting shards and runes, it is just a matter of constant grinding. Skill shards are actually far easier to come by than when I started.

    There are a number of threads on farming tips. But here's a few quick pointers.

    I generally play Cast Die for troopers. Sometimes switch to powerslave if I'm leveling toons or need gold. BNW at level X (unless I'm trying for a talisman that doesn't drop at that level). Lord of Light at level X.

    To sum it up Cast Die and powerslave are good for gold and some evo materials. LoL for your evo shards, with the bonus of regular souls. I can usually get several hundred a week from that easily. They're pit fodder, but that translates to more evo materials, Sot, sow and occasionally rare souls. BNW is of course talismans and runes.
    Last edited by Askora; 12-31-2017 at 04:54 PM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayn13 View Post
    It turns out it’s really not a matter how much was lost but rather how much behind some people are starting at the reset.
    Or, how many laps you got spotted on the next race. It's not really fair that a lead that was several thousand gets turned into a few hundred.

    As I said, climb the tiers and you'll appreciate the system.
    Last edited by Askora; 12-31-2017 at 04:57 PM.

  7. #17
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    I absolutely agree that the arena is slanted to allow those at the top to always remain at the them more iron coins per battle, eternity fragments, ironite, skill shards.. legendary souls etc.

    Really.... after you get the achievements, forget about the arena.... make certain you earn 1200 iron coins during the week so you can buy the 2 skill shards and 2 eternality fragments... then try and stay above 1900 points so you get those extra 5 eternity fragments and a little ironite. Don't bother buying the other rare souls in the arena store... use trooper badges for those if you really need them.

    Trying to make it to the top is relatively pointless unless you have all day, every day, to play and the ability to constantly refill Sands of War, and have VHE... no one at the top does NOT have VHE in use, either on the attack or defense team. There's no other character which revives and give charge to everyone.

    And you start at the rank you finished...

    I.e. Duelist I 1900pts or better... f you reached Duelist I.. you start with 1900 pts. If you reached Duelist II 1700pts or better, you start with 1700pts... If you reached Warloard 2100pts or better, you start with 2100pts.
    Last edited by Yup; 12-31-2017 at 06:18 PM.

  8. #18
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    In my opinion the arena point system is fine as it is. Once a player has farmed enough evo shards and runes and can build a solid offensive team it is really manageable to get to top 100 without spending ironite at all. From that point forward u can start every week from 1900 points and aim at higher ranks if u want. I started playing pvp in june and in the first two weeks i hit top 200 and 100 respectively. Once i raised my offensive winrate to around 95% i managed to consinstently finish in top25 without spending ironite. I find it correct that the newer players start at a lower rating since it is easier for them to win as they get matched with similar players. I doubt that starting at 1900 rating would benefit u much, as u would lose a lot if u dont have a solid team. As for VHE i have been top 25 for the last 3 months and i still do not own him. There are a lot of good toons available right now and most of them are 4 stars and much easier to get.
    Last edited by cokas13; 12-31-2017 at 06:28 PM.

  9. #19
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    I have two VHEs, both unsharded, sitting on the bench. He's not a requirement.

    And, as cokas mentioned lower rank players wouldn't really benefit. Upper tiers are dominated by brutal defenses. Lower rank players don't stand a chance at making 200 wins if there list is full of high rank players. So, then the arena events are locked out as they won't stand any chance to get the fragments. It's already hard enough for low rank players, but with a sacrificial defense they can at least limit what they have to face.

    At the beginning of the week, my defense looks awesome as lower tiers have more opportunity to face it. By the end of the week, the only ones facing it are top tier and it's a disappointing difference.

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