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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Which Eddie do you want to see improved in future updates?

    I'd like to see Carriage Rider Eddie get the next buff. His fury is really cool but all of his other moves kind of blow compared to the other 4* Eddie's.

    Besides Carriage Rider, the other ones I see that could use some adjustments are

    Holy Smoke, Wickerman, Soldier,

    I can understand if they don't need buffs as they are story characters but it would be cool to see them in the arena or in late Story mode. Wickerman and Soldier have really cool looking models.

    Visions, Samurai, Mystic

    It's hard to find anything to say about them because stat wise they are perfectly fine, but there are a few moves that I believe could benefit from some added effects. Vision Eddie's basic literally has no other effect other than (punch one guy and damage is based on your health)

    Let me know if you think someone should be buffed and how you would like to buff them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Any of the warrior Eddies. None of them hit hard enough to be called warriors

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