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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    I would not mind ads Mariner. As long as they aren’t too intrusive. Say once at booting up the game, and they were relevant to the fan base. I mean if that’s what it takes, I could live with that I think.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Yeah I'd be okay with ads too as long as it's not a ridiculous amount of them. For example having to watch a 15 second video after every other fight.

    Having one at startup and perhapes even one when exiting the game would be fine enough for me.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amarthir View Post
    Yeah I'd be okay with ads too as long as it's not a ridiculous amount of them. For example having to watch a 15 second video after every other fight.

    Having one at startup and perhapes even one when exiting the game would be fine enough for me.
    How about watching a :30 video for 15 more SOT when you run out?

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariner-1212 View Post
    How about watching a :30 video for 15 more SOT when you run out?
    That would be fine as long as it's not something you can just abuse. Watch maybe one or two of those videos a day for that added boost in case you need more SoT but don't want a whole refill.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariner-1212 View Post
    How about watching a :30 video for 15 more SOT when you run out?
    I’ve done that sort of thing in other games, so I’m good with that.

  6. #16
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    have thought of that too. you can make it on a volountary base. watch an ad to get 5 sot. or you will get one whell of fortune spin for xyz rewards. that would be a perfect balanced spot. everyone could choose and they would generate more income. with this iron maiden background it should be very good to sell ads.
    Last edited by slauki; 01-12-2018 at 06:19 PM.

  7. #17
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    Actually, there already is an ad system in place.. it's merely used for the event news. They could throw in other content on those pop ups and rotate it. Perhaps make it appear slightly more often. No real difference from the player perspective, but generates ad revenue.

    I am really against ads. But.. given that these pop ups already appear. Changing the content of them would really have zero impact.

  8. #18
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    I will sponsor out my VHE Eddie!

    I can see it now Vampire Hunter Eddie sponsored by True Value Hardware ( Where the best wooden stakes and mallets are sold) and by the Garlic Growers Union. He could even have a nice nifty jacket or uniform.😂😂😂

  9. #19
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    At this point.. I'd pay outright for VHE. Whatcha want NF? $5? $10 $25? $50?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariner-1212 View Post
    With this in mind, and considering how the game is structured to get players to log in daily and play for hours, maybe putting an Ad system in place is a good idea. With such a specialized base here (iron maiden fans) I would think selling ads to bands that want to promote their new albums/singles would be a no-brainer. And with access to facebook you can profile what users have in common and sell those ads. And obviously, other mobile games would buy ads as well. I'm not suggesting that it is done where it ruins the game, but if the trade off for new worlds every couple months is that we have Ads, how does that sound to you all?
    I wouldn't approve and would probably uninstall the game if an AD system that could not be disabled shows up on LotB, look, I used to work as a developer/coder, sadly here in Brazil we are in no way paid 75$~125$/hour, in fact our economy really sucks and well, I will not go off-topic on this.

    But no matter how good the app/program was, if it had any sort of ads involved, without the option for then to be turned off, the interest of potential users vanished almost on spot.

    Said that...

    I would gladly welcome a AD system that could be disabled for a low subscription fee, I think for a game that's freemium a 2,99$/month sounds fair, so this way you could still collaborate on a per/month basis and for the people who don't mind ads just click on then. (Edit: Please check the text bellow the --------- mark as a subscription model that would not involve ads. Since this comment is long, that can be missed sometimes.)

    I do know, that Ads would probably generate a healthier revenue (except from me cause I would try my best to never click on then, not even by accident), but if you could have a substantial number to accept a monthly fee, that would be a fixed and optional income.

    If you check some major games that launched recently, Star Wars Battefront 2 and Destiny 2 as the main examples, they had a HUGE backlash from the way IAP and content was released. I don't know if NF is wiling to take a step on that direction, the ADS may represent a better revenue, but is a risk to be considered.

    Destiny 1 went that way when it released it's IAP store in-game, with the excuse of releasing extra content for free, but the truth was that even the free contents were lackluster.

    Ok Ed, we get it... but why the hell are you talking about IAP? we are talking about ADS here...
    Wow dear Ed, slow down... just as an example that when they released something that wasn't suppose the be implemented, they suffered a big backlash. This can be the case with ads on LotB.


    I would very much prefer if: no ADS were implemented, but a OPTIONAL subscription with variable fees were. for example:

    2,99$/month - each month as a subscriber you receive a pack of 5 rare souls and 1 G/A rare soul.
    3,99$/month - each month as a subscriber you receive a pack of 10 rare souls and 1 G/A rare soul.
    4,99$/month - each month as a subscriber you receive a pack of 10 rare souls, 1 G/A rare soul and 90 Ironites.

    I would like something in the lines of that, as said a LOT if times here, rare souls are easily obtained, I really don't think that 10 per month would change much since the chances of then being a lot of 3* would be just like we all pretty much already know by now.
    1G/A soul is a nice addition, since we already have 1/month now, an extra for subscribers wouldn't hurt the non-subscribers.
    90 Ironites is just enough for 3 refills I think that maybe 70 (the lowest amount sold on the store would be nice either).

    Why I prefer this? well this servers was incentive to play and subscribe to the game, on a non pay-to-win way at my eyes (no top-tiers souls involved).

    Anyway, just my thoughts... appreciate everyone that reads my comments, and don't worry I read and like all of yours too.

    Cheers!!! Ed.
    Last edited by Sponholz; 01-12-2018 at 08:19 PM. Reason: Typo

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