awesome work buddy, will help as much as i can, but i have to think a little harder, before burning everything![]()
awesome work buddy, will help as much as i can, but i have to think a little harder, before burning everything![]()
Got almost all relics and updated some to 2-3 level but I still can't figure out how they work. My defense still gets it's ass kicked and my offense isn't getting any stronger
I think, once we all have them leveled up it's gonna be the same BS. I see the relics being helpful in PVE and other worlds though.
oh man trust me, your def was much harder than usual, i almost got screwed, didn't expect it to be that much stronger...guess we have to figure things out again.
otoh fighting noobs is even more a walk in the park now...the new players will have a hard time to catch up. i fear this might scare many away. for us hardcore addicts it's a great motivational system...
Keep in mind that relics only modify the BASE stats of your characters. Talisman stats are not taken into consideration (outside of stat talisman set effect bonuses, because those ALSO scale off your base stats). This means you will see the most meaningful increases in characters that have a higher default base stat. Incidentally, it also means that those good ol' Stat Talismans (such as Strength, Holy, Health, Ivory, Boost, etc.) are massively buffed by Relics.
So.... after a quick math thinking here is the formula.
Initial cost x 55 = total cost of the desired relic (edit: inaccurate, plz see bellow).
How did I come to that conclusion?
Well there are 10 lvls, each one costing the previous price + initial price, so 10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 55. (This is inaccurate, please use the bellow formula).
Ok, here we go:
level 2 cost - initial cost = value of the increment variable.
Value of incremental variable * 45 + Initial cost *10 = Total cost of the Relic.
Taking Assassin Attack Relic for example:
Initial cost = 180
Level 2 cost = 405
405 - 180 = 225 (this is the number we want).
225 * 45 (this a constant, will always be this value) = 10125 (now all you have to do is add the initial value * 10).
10125 + 180 * 10 (total of levels needed) = 11925 (this is the total cost of this relic maxed).
Formula = [(Level 2 cost - Level 1 cost) * 45] + (Level 1 cost * 10) = Cost of the Relic maxed.
Here are the values for each relic and the TOTAL Iron Coins needed to max.
Take the bellow values as an ESTIMATE ONLY!!! My guess is that the TOTAL value is even higher considering some relics differ price based on the % they increase (my bad for not paying attention to all the values on the first post by Mariner-1212)
I will be fixing the values as more info appears.
Health: 9625
Attack: 10725
Magic: 10725
Defense: 5500
Resistance: 5500
Fury: 4125
Total: 46200
Health: 6215
Attack: 5775
Magic: 4125
Defense: 4125
Resistance: 4125
Fury: 3080
Total: 28165
Health: 6215
Attack: 4125
Magic: 5775
Defense: 4125
Resistance: 4125
Fury: 3080
Total: 28165
Health: 9625
Attack: 4125
Magic: 4125
Defense: 6600
Resistance: 6600
Fury: 3080
Total: 34155
Health: 5500
Attack: 5775
Magic: 5775
Defense: 4125
Resistance: 4125
Fury: 12375
Total: 37675
Health: 6215
Attack: 11925 (Fixed, estimated was 9900)
Magic: 11925 (Fixed, estimated was 9900)
Defense: 3850
Resistance: 3850
Fury: 3080
Total: 40845 (New est. value, previous was 36795)
Estimated GRAND TOTAL (Everything maxed): 215205 (New est. value, previous was 211155) Iron Coins.
LOL seriously???!!! WTF!!!!!! Lifetime value right here!!!!
That's ~21500+ WINS on the Arena... Most really active players play like what? 150 matches/week? with the 53 Troopers/day and the usual 1200 Iron Coins for Eternal Fragments/Skills Shards each week, not even counting with Arena Talismans that most still have to finish some sets...
And we were asking for less grind... oh dear, dear, poor of us...
F@#* the Cheers, Ed. (This is not directed to anyone, I am honestly not cheering anymore here, this game for now has received a terrible update regarding grinding.)
Still like all the NF guys here, Leviathan, Kaz and Sparton. (This is not a "I hate you all" reply, I am in all honesty sad with this implementation, Gauntlet will just be another word to even more grind, so don't get me wrong, this [sadly] is not a step forward to the game.)
Last edited by Sponholz; 03-09-2018 at 03:27 AM. Reason: Formating & Addind info based on Kaz info bellow.
Well, not quite. Each relic's price has a completely different multiplier based on the estimated value of the stat for the given class. They don't all scale based on the initial price. Some will be higher and some will be lower.
Also keep in mind that with the Gauntlet coming out, there will be an additional source of Iron Coins.
Taking the first post into consideration I fear that the total amount of Iron Coins needed will be somewhat even higher than my estimation.
I have only just done a quick math based on some values, I saw now that, for ex: Assassin Attack has a higher increment them the initial price.
How about, just give us a table with all the costs for all the Relics?
Not Cheering anymore, sorry guys, Ed.
EDIT: Edited above reply telling that the values there as estimated costs.
Last edited by Sponholz; 03-09-2018 at 02:21 AM. Reason: Reason above.
I’m bad with math. Not seeing complete stat totals is very frustrating. The “behind the scenes” percentage increase to stats is incomprehensible to me. Will have to take the developers word that it works. Arena shop prices are ridiculously high between Relics & talismans. Prices should be half. Not a fan of the Relics right now.
I will be fixing my reply with the correct values, as soon as they appear.
... Ed.