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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaz_LOTB View Post

    Also keep in mind that with the Gauntlet coming out, there will be an additional source of Iron Coins.

    That will only work if there’s an additional source of hours in the day

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicko View Post
    That will only work if there’s an additional source of hours in the day
    Lol agree.

    Thebiines whonplay all day will dominate Arena now.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicko View Post
    That will only work if there’s an additional source of hours in the day
    Wow, he is alive! And right on the spot again! I agree, not all of us are Gmac or Jofer with so many wins under their belts! Saw the math Spon did... 200 000 IC + oh boy!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by slauki View Post
    oh man trust me, your def was much harder than usual, i almost got screwed, didn't expect it to be that much stronger...guess we have to figure things out again.
    otoh fighting noobs is even more a walk in the park now...the new players will have a hard time to catch up. i fear this might scare many away. for us hardcore addicts it's a great motivational system...
    You're right about creating bigger gap between the old players and the new ones. After a short time though older players will have most of the relics leveled up and we all be back to square one.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradata View Post
    You're right about creating bigger gap between the old players and the new ones. After a short time though older players will have most of the relics leveled up and we all be back to square one.
    Basically how I feel, they'll make PvP really wacky for a while until everyone has a few high level relics under their belt. However things like Brave New World, Gauntlet and Night City would be easier to run with these relics.

    Speaking of Night City, is it just me or were those lights in the night city preview always turned on?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicko View Post
    That will only work if there’s an additional source of hours in the day
    LoL!! Exactly!! This & long lasting batteries for the phone/tablet (when not using & abusing an emulator at work).

  7. #27
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    Iron Coins need to become a common reward outside Arena. They should be rewards from daily log in, skull quests, sacrifice etc. They should drop randomly like gold and ironite do. 100 “free” iron coins a week it would take 2 months to buy 1 talisman. Grinding in Arena and/or Gauntlet still takes hours which not all players have. So additional ways to get Iron Coins regularly would be appreciated by all players.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobG-9641 View Post
    Iron Coins need to become a common reward outside Arena.
    Absolutely agree to a point..... Prices for the relics are really within reason though. Once you have all the eternals and have most things full of skill shards, the relics are a good place to throw iron coins and not feel like you're just wasting them.

    I would like to see some other method of achieving iron coins besides merely the arena though. Something like also in Skull Quests or Sat15.. or with a vortex fill... or just raise the rewards a bit for the arena fights.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaz_LOTB View Post
    Keep in mind that relics only modify the BASE stats of your characters. Talisman stats are not taken into consideration (outside of stat talisman set effect bonuses, because those ALSO scale off your base stats). This means you will see the most meaningful increases in characters that have a higher default base stat. Incidentally, it also means that those good ol' Stat Talismans (such as Strength, Holy, Health, Ivory, Boost, etc.) are massively buffed by Relics.

    So this basically means that average players that sometimes can have a chance on the Arena against most teams, will be owned even more against the teams with relics? since the talis will be "massively buffed" for those with Relics, raising the GAP even more.

    Man each time I think about the Relics system, I have even more sure they are a gap system, designed to make players spend lots of refills to grind then out.

    I honestly can't imagine that some of you are liking this?! maybe because you have a ton of IC hoarded so you can (like Bradata) buy then all (and lvl a few after).

    Sorry mate, I play this game much more then I should, and I still have a LOT of chars to shard/tali up. And now, Relics comes around.

    This will be the nail on the coffin of serious PvP for a LOT of players.

    All I can say to the hoarders, Have fun alone at the top, I can assure you the Arena will be less challenging and boring in no time. (Unless you have fun on only fighting the same 5~10 players every single time, cause I don't think there will be that many players outside Slauki, Bradata, and a few others willing to spend the time to grind this out in the long-term, they will quit once they realize that they can't compete with some regarding play time).

    Even as my replies are a little salty, they are not rant replies, I'm just saying this is bad for the game atm. Unless the "other forms of getting IC" are really worth it.

    ... Ed.
    Last edited by Sponholz; 03-09-2018 at 01:35 PM. Reason: Added salt. =O)

  10. #30
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    Brand new item on the store?!

    Wait, what? another update to the game?

    Oh, I get it... New cosmetic item added to the Relic store already???!!! (nice Hoodie you got there).

    Name:  719jSPPetxL._UX385_.jpg
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    Sorry, couldn't resist.

    ... Ed.

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