What I have: A Gambler, Alex, KP, Osiris, Sek, S Lillith, W Lillith, M Lillith, Clair, Ferrymen, A Lillith. I can't decide who to buy next I have 4,600. It seems as though I am completely screwed with advancing in arena I top out at around rank 100. It just isnt going to happen with viper Charlotte plus labrynth A Gambler and sometimes Labrynth Witch, oh and Madame which I don't have. If someone wants to take a look I am Sunzu-8524. So it doesn't seem like making any purchases makes sense as I can't get past those teams with two labrynth characters and viper Charlotte. It doesn't seem like purchasing Set makes sense or Horus. Arena is all I enjoy really. The gauntlet and talisman switching gets to borring to quickly and it screws up my set ups for other characters.

What I run in arena. Alex with troopers, Sek with Viper, KP with frontier, and Major Mal with singularity.