And I don't like to complain. I generally have a positive attitude. But it is true. Right now the problem is Labyrinth on Moonchild. I destroyed a team (getting by the typical combo of fully awakened Cyborg, Lucifer and Lilith (or maybe it was the blue LOL). Anyway, the team gets down to Moonchild against my team of the Prisoner, Cosmic LOL, A Werewolf, and Bounty Hunter.
I killed the whole team in about 3 turns. That left how many turns to destroy Moonchild. But for whatever reason he regained his passive of shutting down all my skills, so I was left with my high damage primary attacks.
Nope. Couldn't kill him. And I can't tell you how many times this has happened. I really think Labyrinth is the problem even more than Moonchild. If you look on the top Arena teams, they are all fully sharded Moonchild. Is there a problem here? Sure, I'll get him this week and have him awakened in a month, but it is a poor game design.
At least allow Arena not to automatically end after only about 30 turns. But I think a memory problem develops. Notice how each turn gets slower and slower until there is an automatic draw.
C'mon designers, get these simple mechanics fixed--Labyrinth on Moonchild is a shame. An Arena has completely lost interest.