Quote Originally Posted by slauki View Post
they drop there but with a very low frequency....got damn lucky today and in 240 sot i got 2 rare souls in level 7. normally they only drop there once in a while...maybe i should go out and buy a lotto ticket, since this has to be my lucky day ;-)

Indeed, very lucky Today I've spent over 640 ironities to play at purple dungeon (Level 8 as I am farming comfortably there on auto - probably could try above levels as well - yet 8 seems perfect as for the time - the battles are short so I can play many of them in certain amount of time): I've got everything countless purple shards - with ease maxed out my new given 5* assassin golden son, 4 3* purple evo shards, dozen 3* colourless evo shards, huge amount of usual souls, but... not a single rare one... So I guess it was my last time in the dungeons for now... I'd rather spent left ironities to play usual stages and acquire runes for the toons... You got much more there than in the dungeons and it's simply cheaper...