As many of you may know, I've been having a lot of problems getting a SINGLE gunner shard. I grinded more than 400 fights in about 4 days and I got it a few hours back.
I wanted to get the shard before I created this post, because I didn't want it to be a rant about drop rates or RNG.

The problem with the shards is not the drop rate (I'll explain at the end) but the lack of places to farm those shards. Right now you can "find any shard on any level" even though some levels show specific shards on their drop rate tab. And that's super broken.

In my 400 fight I got shard from every color, I needed ONE yellow, and I got reds, blues, greens, purples and multicolors ones.

THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!!!! That's whats wrong with the grinding system. There's no other game like this out there, in any other game you have levels or missions to grind the material you need. This free for all should not exist.

Another thing that's wrong is that harder levels do not give a better chance a getting those shards than the easier ones (Yeah, I'm sure). And I know this because I get more shards from Hard than Madness, I chose to grind Underworld Madness because the gold is a lot better.

I say the drop rate is not the problem because since I unlocked Underworld I got 58 3* shards,

22 multicolor
4 green
6 red
4 blue
6 yellow
16 purple (YEEEEAH!!!! 16)

That's amazing!!!! BUT they where all worthless since I wanted to level up Soldier Eddie. I did not have any good characters for all those other shards, or not the ones I wanted.

SO. This problem has a really simple solution. Implement dedicated levels to farm shards so we know where to go. Remove this free for all nonsense. Don't give "higher chances at getting X shard". Make them exclusive to levels.

We all love the game, in fact, after getting that shard I decided to start spending some money. We want this game to have a long life and multiple updates.
Please don't take this as a rant, it is not. I, and we as a community just want to help and make the game better. I personally think that this is a great way for you to show interest and willingness to change and make things better.