Morning yall, firstly i am a gamer, usually before getting TO far into a game i check the forum for hints/tips and so on, but this maiden was just to cool so had to start playing right away lol, so i think i might of messed up with a few things, firstly if you sell a char should you remove any talismans first, here lately just been selling new chars i don't want. should i keep powering up chars or just power up talismans and evolve them or all 3, is whicker man eddie worth evolving to 3 stars or raise a different 2 star char to 3. should i save my skill shards or use them to help progress a bit easier or save them as i have used a few in the past i hope on just eddie but i bet not. i have read comments about early game/mid/late , how can you tell where your at regarding this exactly. is there a link to the best eddies in order. at moment i have eddie/whicker/light speed. finding ailing sands pretty hard on hard mode at about the 3rd node/crystal, battlefield normal 3rd node/crystal. so i have just been grinding the hardest/highest exp battles i can pass right now to level up.