Hey Ringe, sorry to see you go, but all the very best of luck to you and have a wonderful vacation and break.

Congrats on Eternal, well done and deserved. Man, last week was crazy...I barely made it to the top 50 for the very 1st time in my life...dropped from top 25 to top 50 all on Saturday and had to scramble to remain in top 50. I felt like I was attacked by you over a gazzilion times and did not hold you once, haha...well done my friend, you deserved the Eternal rank.

While I did not care for Jofer's post, I was agree with him on the Saturday play-to-win situation...I cannot do it due to family commitments, so can see how the system is flawed. Oh well, that is a topic for another thread, as you wisely stated.

This is your farewell and goodbye thread, and you deserve it. Take care and know that you will be missed. I appreciate your posts helping people like me who are trying hard, and you, like GMAC, are really nice guys and well respected here.

I completely agree with what you said about GMAC...he is indeed he most complete and helpful stand-up guy I have ever met, and deserves a thread for himself! The next guy is Nicko...all stand-up gentlemen!

Take care and hope to see you back here on the forums at least.
