Warlord III - 2100 + rank #250
Warlord II - 2100 + rank #100
Warlord I - 2100 + rank #25

Reality.... to get #250 rank you need a score of around 2500 or more. There's no such thing as a score of 2100 and rank #250. This makes getting the Warlord or higher achievements nearly impossible unless you sit all day, every day and spend ironite to keep battling all the time. I routinely have 2300-2600 scores and never make it above a rank of #600 unless I spend ironite to keep battling, but the rank with drop to #1700 or lower within 20 minutes of stopping even if I have ZERO battles.

I've actually done just that.. sat and continually refilled SOW and kept battling.. got to King III rank #22... but that lasted maybe an hour and ranking changed dramatically even though I had only 1 or two defensive losses (and no other fights)

Kudos to those that spend all their time refilling SOW and fighting, but is the point of the game to reward those players getting the massive ironite refills which allows them to ensure they monopolize the ironite refills?