Name:  hud_icon_eddie_blackson_735.png
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Electric Guitar
Deals random damage to all enemies.
Heals all allies based on your ATK and MAGIC stat.
Inflicts up to 7 Random Negative Effects on all enemies.
Damage dealt increases the lower your CURRENT HP.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%


Bloodied Hopes
Deals random damage to a single target.
Blocks Beneficial Effects for 2 turns.
Inflicts up to 3 Bleeds for 2 turns.
50% Chance to Transform Negative Effects on self into beneficial effects.
Damage dealt increases the lower your CURRENT HP.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%

Deals random damage to a single target.
75% Chance to Remove Beneficial Effects, Blind, and Silence the target for 1 turn.
Cleanse and Heal a random ally and grant a Heal Shield to the ally for 2 turns.
Damage dealt increases the lower your CURRENT HP.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%

Burning Fires
Deals random damage to all enemies.
35% Chance to inflict a Time Bomb on enemies for 2 turns.
Stun and Inflict up to 5 Toxic Burns for 2 turns on enemies suffering from Crave status.
Damage dealt increases the lower your CURRENT HP.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%


Healing Music
Heals allies based on your ATK and MAGIC stat.
Reduce Duration of negative effects on all allies by 1 turn.

Chosen One
Grants Heal Amp to all allies for 3 turns.
50% Chance to grant Perfect Immunity to all allies for 2 turns.
Gain an Extra Turn.

Blackened Sun
Deals random damage to all enemies.
60% Chance to Remove Beneficial Effects and inflict Crave and Blind status on all enemies for 3 turns.
Grant Regen HP, True Shield, and Damage Reduction Shield to all allies for 1 turn.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 10/15/20/25%


3 Open / 2 Assassin / 1 Sentinel