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  1. #1

    Compilation of Reported Game Play Bugs

    Hi All,

    Below is a compilation of reported bugs (means game team is aware and working on it), so please take a look before posting your bugs~*

    1. Server error upon winning
      - Workaround: Possibly due to receiving items you already have 49 or more of, including souls, so use or sell any items you have more than 49 of.
      - Workaround: This can occur if you have any items in "overflow" meaning you've run out of inventory space. Add more inventory slots or sell items to free up space.

    2. Daily reward not appearing when other notifications show, such as Trooper Badges earned
      - Note: This is display-only, you should still receive the reward. Opening your game more than once will probably show your Daily Rewards progress.

    3. Cyborg Eddie Special Move does not add stolen power to Player team

    4. Description error for Child of the Damned (it shows EN:BAD ID=child_demale_desc when you press and hold)

    5. Game sometimes hangs when switching off auto-play

    6. Objective "Complete in X seconds" does not always award skull

    7. Character level displayed incorrectly after completing battle on experience gain screen

    8. Meathead excess leveling (see AmBush-UK post)

    9. Changes Not Saved after inventory management
      - Workaround: Exit My Team after every Character/Talisman evolution
      private message Lamia if this is still occurring after Time Rift update
    10. Weekly trooper badge purchases do not unlock
      - Workaround: delete your game cache (Android: in app settings. iOS: restart your device)

    11. Rank Up Screen, power level / stamina total does not match your actual power level / stamina total.
      private message Lamia if this is still occurring after Time Rift update
    12. Tailgunner Eddie Special Ability Raining Death is supposed to grant an extra turn when an enemy is killed by it. This extra turn does not happen all the time.

    13. Soldier Eddie Bullet Trace is supposed to reset when an enemy is killed by it. This reset does not happen all the time.
      private message Lamia if this is still occurring after Time Rift update
    14. Visions Eddie Primary Ability Titan Shield wrongfully state the requirement of 4 power

    15. Visions Eddie Power Ability Equilibrium does not heal on 2nd turn.

    16. Ascension Talisman does not provide correct set effect

    17. Rocket Dog bleed effect does not deal damage.

    18. Corrupt Harpy's power ability, Stake, doesn't proc its 100% crit increase
    19. Past or Future temporal skills got locked up

    July 19th Fixes:
    • Unable to remove Trooper permanently once hit ”limit of the day”

    • Trooper Badges display capped at 5000
    • Upgrade from 4* sentinel Soulless Demon to 5*, become 1 * instead

    August 15th (Time Rift Update) Fixes:
    • Eternal miss loop when you & the enemy have reflect shield up
    • Angel of Fear/Strife unable to make the killing move with primary attack, any damage dealed by the Angel thereafter heal the undead enemy.
    • Samurai Eddie unable to hit for damage after you level his basic ability up
    • Pharaoh Dog King unable to hit for damage
    • Magus Child of the Damn killed with active blizzard shield causing next round to freeze notably in Number of the Beast
    • Battlefield world, game freezes when enemy skeleton soldier uses power ability. Camera view at the skeleton soldier's back.

    Major Update = requires an update to the app, so everyone will need to download the update from Google or Apple before you can play again.
    Hotfix = does not require an update to the app, the update will apply for each individual user the next time they boot the game.
    Last edited by Kaijester; 08-24-2016 at 01:51 AM. Reason: Major Update Time Rift Fixes

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