Hello Troopers,

Thank you so much for your patience while we worked. We have found a solution for the issue and a hotfix has been submitted to the stores. You will need to download this update in order to play the game (KEEP READING, IRONITE CODE BELOW).

ANDROID PLAYERS: Maintenance mode has now been lifted, and our hotfix should be appearing in the Google Play Store over the next few hours. Be sure to check for new Updates and download this hotfix when you see it!

APPLE PLAYERS: We are currently waiting for Apple to review and approve our hotfix. As soon as it is approved, we will release maintenance mode, and update this post!

As a thank you for your patience please tap this link from your device to **claim 300 Ironite -> https://tinyurl.com/y7br6f4t

To recap, earlier today we discovered a problem with our inventory tracking. Essentially inventory changes (adding or removing items) reached a point where the server continued to track things correctly, but the client (ie your version of the game on the device) was no longer able to read those changes.

This resulted in a variety of different issues (characters pulled from Souls not appearing in inventories, upgrades not processing, pack items not appearing etc). This should now be solved, and player accounts should reflect their correct states.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send a message to our support team using the Support button in the Settings menu, or by emailing [email protected]!

**Please note: You must have Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast downloaded on your device for this gift to work.

Some Android OS's may be unable to receive this gift using the link, use this code instead:


Enter the code into the 'Redeem Code' section of your Settings menu to receive your Ironite!