Quote Originally Posted by Deathbat6120 View Post

I could go on and on about all of these above issues.
I've been fairly tolerant. A lot of others have been too. I play this game because I love Iron Maiden, their albums, artwork, the stories their songs tell, the themes... Everything. But I'm getting to my breaking point. If this is truly how things are going? I'm out. I'll find another game to play, to put all my time and effort into.

But hey, I'm just another complaining voice, another block of text. Devs, listen to us. Otherwise, you'll lose us.

Same here. I am usually very quiet about my displeasure about whatever is hot to complain about. This event made me laugh though, especially since it came RIGHT AFTER we all complained on the forum about resource draining events. This event must have been created literally to just piss us off. Why else make an event like this? It's not even a real event. Literally no skill goes in to this. Remember when we got rewarded for OBTAINING gold? We had super long term goals for obtaining gold, or fragments, or playing BNW a certain amount of times. I wish we had more of those. That'd make playing this game much more fun.

A GREAT game to play if you're tired of games like this is Exiled Kingdoms. There's a free version which lets you play quite a lot of the game. You can pay...I believe it's $4 to unlock the full version. There are 0 ads and 0 cash grabs. The dude who made it just wanted to make an old school RPG for people to enjoy. Best $4 I ever spent on a mobile game.

Or you can pay twice as much for 300 ironite to get another event soul that will drop a shitty 3* toon you already have and throw your phone against the wall. It will surely break and you'll have to spend out the ass to get a new one. On your way to buy a new one you'll run over your dog, causing you to swerve and hit a tree and total your car. This will lead to you not being able to get to work on time and you'll get fired. Now, with no income and no phone, you will begin to notice some pain in your stomach. It will be so bad that you'll go to the doctor even though you no longer have insurance. The diagnosis will come back as stomach cancer.

All because you bough $10 worth of ironite.

Thanks NF/Navigator. Your crappy event and shitty over-priced items gave someone cancer.

Moral of the story: Don't buy into NF's cash grabs. I may be done...again. NC was fun, but didn't last long. I had hoped we would get the extreme difficulties in the other worlds by now, but haven't. It can't be THAT hard to implement. It won't make the devs money though, so it's not important to them.

I would really like to know what the Maiden boys would think about this game if they knew how the players are getting screwed.