This suggestion is simple, from my pov at least.

1) take points away for entering a level once the level is begun, not before the load of the level.
2) commit troopers only after a level is loaded, not before the load of a level.

I am on my 4th account in this game. I left because of the progress resets, constant crashes, fb login bug, etc. You have most of that fixed now, which is great. Still, I experience constant CTDs, maybe 3 a session or more. Every time they are upon entering a level, and I lose points and access to a chosen trooper. We used to lose access to bonus levels, but you fixed that.

Until you get the CTDs fixed, can you simply collect after you deliver? We are okay with crashes, but crashes that take away stuff unfairly shouldn't happen.

Just my $0.02. The game is much better.
