The changes look OK to me and it looks like that start of awakening characters across all worlds will take place starting with Wicker Isle. I am good with that. Other changes look good in that they are pushing cosmic upgrades a lot more and another new dungeon - again, all fine with me. I like the class restrictions stuff - adds a new thing to do, even if it is old stuff we are using to get through them.

Class restrictions would be neat if rewards would increase depending on using shittier characters for dungeons, like weekly dungeon forces 3star compared with daily using 4star. Should have options to try natural 2 and 1 star teams for better loot. We both have asked for an Increased increased difficulty level on all existing worlds, like the recent Insanity level on the event dungeon. I miss playing through the story worlds but as they are now just not worth it. Giving all that existing artwork and programming new life by adding a fourth difficulty level that rewards rare loot would be awesome. Increased Awakening and Cosmic material availability is great.