One dungeon used to give huge amount of SoW. Anybody remembers which one?
Trooper and Infernal both give good SOW return... or at least they did a month ago. (still sitting on over 2500)
yeah trooper for sure. I have cleared trooper and Infernal completely now, so I havent been back in there in weeks, but i still have over 5000 SoW.
Wow, this sheet is just what I've been looking for. Thanks!
Can this get stickied or added to the guides section? I was searching for it the other day and couldn't find it. This is extremely useful information.
Wow, Thanks a lot!! Much appreciated.
Airstrip Dungeon, my team based on the sheets, 40 secs av
Storm Ed: Celestial + Cosmic with Magic (Soldier Ed in back)
Gunner Dog: Siege + Cosmic with Attack/special + random yellow (attack/special)
Possessed Rockets: Primordial
Undead Allied Soldier: Greed, Warlord
i really like Siege + celestial because the waves get first turn most of the times, so instead of removing all effects from only 1 enemy, when its your time to attack the siege removed from 2 enemys and its just kill shot, 2 times out of 3 to the Feldmarschall
Thanks HugoW, your team has been added.
was thinking of making a 3 tables with the possible drops... but complicated, you have to be quick to take the notes during the auto-play :P
Thank you very much!!!