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  1. #1
    Legacy Ceeg_LOTB's Avatar
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    Somewhere in Time

    Updates from Space Station No.5 - November 21st 2019

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    Welcome Troopers, to this weeks Updates from Space Station No. 5.

    Maintenance Mode

    Today’s maintenance was to release an update that focused around Quality of Life fixes to the game. From Missions and Achievements to Clan Check-ins and Summoning Tribute souls, there have been a lot of fixes. Check out this post for the full details -

    Stranger in a Strange Land

    As many of you have noticed from an accidental release a couple of weeks ago, Cyborg Eddie is getting an upgrade and will be able to be Awakened by the time you are reading this! HOWEVER, you will not be able to get him to his full Awakened power until you participate in the Cyborg Event planned for late next week.

    Battle with the Beast

    Sooner than that though, another addition to our Awakened characters, get ready to Awaken the Beast in this weekends Arena based event.

    Back again this week, Weekend Warrior with Durandal!

    Weekend Warrior

    Trouble In Talisman Town

    Wicked weekend ahead, Troopers! Gather around and crack open some Trooper Ales (or Eddie's favorite Orange Juice if you're not of legal drinking age), as it's time for some scintillating strategies from your stalwartly sober samurai, Durandal.

    In this installment, I'll be exploring some themes and strategies you may want to consider when experimenting with talismans. While this piece is geared towards our newer and less experienced Troopers, the themes here are universal across any of the game for any player.

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    Stats, Scaling and Damage Types

    Talismans are often coveted for the special effects you receive when completing a full set. While these effects can greatly impact your battles, be sure to pay close attention to the various stats and star level of each talisman. Strategically matching the stats of your talismans to your character will always net you the most consistent results.

    For instance, Baroness Redan features 1 Magus (Blue) and 2 Sentinel (Green) slots for her talismans. Since all her abilities deal Magic Damage, it would be most wise to select Sentinel talismans that offer MAG and/or defensive stats, but not ATK - as the benefit of this stat would be lost on her.

    As another example, Mystic Eddie features abilities that drastically scale with Magic Resistance, or MR for short. In that respect, I would try to maximize my efficiency by equipping talismans that offer him as much MR as possible in additional to other compatible stats. If you have any Cosmic Talismans that offer a flat bonus to MR, oh you're in for some fun!

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    Mindful Interactions

    To take your team to the next level, spend a few minutes to consider the purpose, application and synergy of how can talisman can interact with your characters and teams as a whole. Some effects might sound stronger on paper on their own, but fail to provide as much value as other seemingly lesser effects that are used more strategically.
    If you have a character who must apply negative effects in order to be effective, you'll want to find ways to ensure that you can remove and prevent immunity effects on your opponents. If you have a character that needs time to build up beneficial effects and conditional abilities, you may want to consider talismans that can help stall for time (shields, immortality effects, and so on).

    Looking at the big picture, you may even find yourself using talismans not for the character they're equipped on but rather for the sake of filling a need for the entire team. For example, when I'm using a flexible character like Cosmic Lord of Light (who has no talisman restrictions), I see him as a universal puzzle piece that can cover any gap left behind by the other three fully-equipped characters I'm using.

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    Have Fun With It

    Quite frankly, the most fun I've ever had playing this game is whenever I'd take a break from looking for the "best" strategy and instead focused on playing around with what could be possible. Oftentimes, a fellow Navigator and I would look at sets of charaters with similarly themed abilites and think, "Could this work? Has this been done before?"

    As your collection of characters begins to swell, take a moment out of your day every now and then and curate the possibilities of what you have available. I can't describe how satisfying it feels to nab victories as a result of clever and creative team-building. Who knows? You might even be a contributing factor in the next big swing in the meta someday.


    That about does it for me this week. To all the Aces in Arena, thank you for your dedication. Believe it or not, I enjoy getting crushed by your teams. It keeps me wanting to experiment with new and unlikely ideas. To any Troopers just getting started, I hope this has helped add a bit of insight to your daily battles.

    Until next time,



    This week’s Art feature is from José on Facebook. Don’t forget to get to share any of your Art with us here to potentially get featured next week!

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    Thanks for reading!

    Space Station No.5, shutting down until next week.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Yup's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    How about letting iOS users actually play the app?????

    No log in since around 10:30 am Nov 21 (GMT -8) and it's now 7:30 pm....... 9 hours for an update??? Really?? come on. Stop blaming Apple for your shitty planning.
    Last edited by Yup; 11-22-2019 at 03:28 AM.
    All there is in this app is to spend money or collect yet more frags... entirely pointless and unfulfilling..

  3. #3
    Senior Member Discordian's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by ceeg_lotb View Post
    today’s maintenance was to release an update that focused around quality of life fixes to the game.
    Unless you have an iphone. Then you can go f*** yourself.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Yup's Avatar
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    Someone from Navigator Games needs to contact Apple and ask about the 12+hour delay.....

    ... after all.. that's 12 + hours your app has been unavailable to at least part of your customer base. If this truly is due to Apple's review process (which I doubt), Navigator Games should be displeased with it as much as users are.

    In fact.. is Navigator Games certain they ticked the box to submit the update and make it live???????? Apple taking more than 12 hours to approve an update to an exiting app is extraordinary.
    Last edited by Yup; 11-22-2019 at 06:52 AM.
    All there is in this app is to spend money or collect yet more frags... entirely pointless and unfulfilling..

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Why has the cost of awakening increased on these new characters? 6 items instead of 3, double the 5* colored mats... you know the ones that NEVER drop in any LOL level.... and another 3Mil gold added to the final cost. I mean you already pissed us off by screwing us out of a pile of gold with the last increase, so you thought it was a good idea to increase it again? It now costs almost 29Mil gold to max beast.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Discordian's Avatar
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    Straw that broke the dromedary's back you reckon, Nat?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natasmai View Post
    Why has the cost of awakening increased on these new characters? 6 items instead of 3, double the 5* colored mats... you know the ones that NEVER drop in any LOL level.... and another 3Mil gold added to the final cost. I mean you already pissed us off by screwing us out of a pile of gold with the last increase, so you thought it was a good idea to increase it again? It now costs almost 29Mil gold to max beast.
    Well it's like this... they can't figure out how to make a game with events and specials and such things that will convince us the players that we want to indulge in lots of microtransactions (under 5$). So they figure if they go obscenely stupid with things costing 20 times as much etc etc and don't increase the drop rates to match, people will ante up and spend large amounts of money (over 5$) to get the things.

    Otherwise known as they is really being greedy bastiches.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Simply stop spending money on this bugfest.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    New. Dungeon is impossible hard,nothing help to kill new eternal Eddie...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Beddie's Avatar
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    Devs, I’d understand if it took an extra hour or two for the update to occur but 13+ HOURS?!

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