The store offers me items for chosen fragments inc. Maiden cosmics.
The store offers me items for chosen fragments inc. Maiden cosmics.
yeah I saw those too and looks like we can only get them with real money $$
I can’t find any mention of them anywhere. Maybe for the next event? But they are only available for 7 days...???
Last edited by Mule502; 04-26-2020 at 03:30 AM.
Using ALL Troopers, EVERY day. (Well...unless there’s an ios update I can’t get. And as long as the servers allow it.)
Next event shoud be LoL frag, with blue frags for magus norse cat.
Actualy, special itens of the cat event alredy show-up in the store last week. Although I don't remember what itens where offered, I do remember the frags beeing blue.
They've really messed up the events this month.. specifically when the store rolls out things. .. and I'm sitting on 21k Vanquisher frags with nothing to spend them on.. that sucks.
All there is in this app is to spend money or collect yet more frags... entirely pointless and unfulfilling..
I've had that too but it has disappeared now, along with Eternity Arms/Armor, Eternity talismans etc. Seems like they made a false start with this one.
Yeah, it kinda sucks but you can always convert them to precious frags. This way you'll gain a ton of gold and sacrifice fodder. It's not too bad honestly.