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  1. #1
    Senior Member Kris-0707's Avatar
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    Few things from Kris.

    I don't know where to post it, so feel free to move it, but please read it first.

    1st thing is about one the Viking event. Unfortunately I've got 24000 vanquisher soul fragments and I need another 1000 to buy Viking Invader Eddie. I didn't have a time to focus on the game during that event, so is there any way I can still find these fragments or I have to buy mega pack from the store?

    2. Is it just me or anyone else is confused as well and misses the relaxing game like was 4 years ago. No pressure, the store smaller than Tesco, no game crashes, no loosing connection sitting 1 metre from the wi-fi router. Devs, please slow down a bit. This game is overwhelmed with the stuff, every day events, tons of different frontier dungeons. Events which require thousands completed battles using specific skill, why is that? That is the worse idea of making events and force players to sacriface hours or days to complete it. I don't enjoy to play the game that way.

    3. Can you separate souls and keys within the book of souls? It is so annoying to scroll down through all keys to get into the souls? Just make the button to swap souls/keys.

    4. Please make the AUTO-REPLAY button the same size as BATTLE button, sometimes is hard to press AUTO-REPLAY, and there is a space to make both buttons the same size (I've asked for that ages ago).

    5. Can you do something like devs's from other game's do? Release the pressure of using the phone and give the player option to play the game on the phone/tablet or play it using the internet browser. I enjoy to play different game, sometimes on the phone, but usually I'm using the browser while I'm at work for instance. I'm talking about one of the games you can find here

    Is it something you can look at and implement to the game?
    Daily player ...

    Current champion - Iron Maiden Eddie

  2. #2
    Senior Member Knut-3112's Avatar
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    @2. Everything you said is so true, Kris, I'm feeling the same way. The game is no more fun, it has become a chore. I just have one final personal goal I want to achieve and that is getting Lucifer, I'm getting closer to it, after that I'll probably dump the game again. There's just too much stuff in the game and it's impossible to handle it all if you have a life. Gauntlet was already annoying enough with that horrible talisman management and now we got the clans... And those stupid events like "do X 5 bazillion times", sorry - that's not my idea of fun. I thought games are meant to be played by humans to have fun but this game is like 95% autoplay itself and 5% manual play. What's the point in it? It's getting more and more ridiculous. Oh, and my phone doesn't like it either cause it has to be constantly plugged to a charger. So, if neither me nor my phone have fun out of this game then the question is who is it made for? It certainly wasn't like this in the past. When I was just starting out I remember the events were pretty scarce back then. Most of the time the "Events" tab in the challenges section was empty. And when an event happened you were actually curious to check it out because of that. Today, events are all the time, and to make things worse, they overlap each other.

    And then you have the fragments... That's another mega-stupid thing, you collect event-based fragments to trade for fragments to buy another fragments... And those tiny icons in the store.. sometimes I am just lost and have no fucking idea what type of frags you need to buy what... Most of the time, the only way to check it is to try and buy the particular item and either it succeeds or it will tell you what fragments you need. Speaking of the store... why does the MEGA tab have half of its items expired? What's the point of it? To annoy people? If that's the case, then yeah, great job! You've succeeded, devs. Or did you just forget about it and it's left hanging there for eternity? If it's expired, then remove it, goddamit! The list of items is already long enough to scroll without it.

    @3. Yes, exactly! Honestly, why are the keys treated as souls anyway? Keys should be keys and souls should be souls, it's stupid otherwise.

    @4. I don't have a problem with this personally but it may be related to the size of the display you're using on your device. Speaking of which - some items in the store (talismans especially) have their descriptions in so small fucking font I have to use a magnifying glass to read it! Unless you cast the screen to a 60" TV there's no way to read that! Obviously UI design is not Navigator's strongest point.

    @5. I wouldn't hope they make it browser-playable anytime soon but the closest you can get for now is to use some Android emulator on a PC.

    one more thing regarding the store that came to my mind: everytime I make a purchase it scrolls all the way back to the left. When I need to buy several items like for example the awakening shards, I need to scroll back to it every time. How idiotic!

    Yes, I'm angry with this game. Again.
    Last edited by Knut-3112; 04-26-2020 at 03:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Member Blazpheme's Avatar
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    Overwhelmed. This really sums it up on both ends - for players and devs alike.

    On our end, it has been a constant stream of new content - characters, talismans, frontier dungeons, awakenings, clans, and event after event after mega-event. Bringing forth an onslaught of various sub-materials needed for cosmic talismans and awakenings - nevermind the insane number of different fragments for souls or store purchases. I can barely keep up the pace, and I have loads of free time to waste.

    On their end, it appears quite obvious (given the numerous issues that have plagued the game this month) that they cannot keep up either. We have seen them re-arrange the schedule, temporarily disable clans, accidentally launch store items for events that are not running, and even increase the auto-play timer by several seconds - in a feeble attempt to "slow down" traffic on their servers. They are scrambling to fix a game that is buckling under its own weight, and cannot even deal with support tickets in a timely manner (I am still waiting for my missing sixth Asgard Talisman - ticket #55034).

    At what point are these folks going to realize that they have the ability to actually slow things down, and not just claim to do so? I mean, this is a great game. But do we really need to be assaulted with a million new goals every month? And now they are on this Viking kick with tons of new crap that has zero to do with Iron Maiden. Maybe if they were not trying so damn hard to come up with the flavor of the month, they would probably have more time to tighten up all the loose nuts and bolts on the game itself.

    Let's face it, the people who are in control of the game have lost touch with what made it good to begin with. They are now feeling the pressure to be like every other game out there, and following whatever is the trend. I certainly hope that the devs take a moment to collect themselves, and turn their focus onto more important matters - before we end up with a game that lacks any enjoyment whatsoever.

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    Blazpheme-5782, Member of Soulreaper Clan

  4. #4
    Senior Member Maiden's Avatar
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    They are never going to slow down events again guys, just face it.

    IF they do they are going to lose a huge amount of players. Why? a few reasons, first because they created this monster and this rhythm, they need you hooked up to the game 24/7 to keep consuming resources, it's a business is not bad is just their job.

    Also, on the same line, they created us... "addicted people"... face it, if you donīt have a "next thing to must do" you are going to probably get bored before as you think and drop the game (again, there is an addiction, a rhythm that once itīs reached you simply canīt stop), or best case scenario you will only pick up the game from time to time and thatīs against the business.

    Finally, every single frontier key, dungeon, and event is a diversion from a simple fact. There is no new content. No, those dungeons arenīt new content. Clans are close to being it but how long did it take Odin to became a monotonous thing? There isnīt new playability there. Just beat the same old guy over and over again. New content is translated into new talismans and new toons, to keep the puzzle game going on and keep you there lurking for more.

    And also there is no point for new content, we are all waiting for Avalon and Silent planet, yes that sounds amazing... but letīs be honest, at this rhythm they created how long is going to take us to complete a new World map? two weeks max?.... It is so hard to create new things... only to be useful for 2 weeks? No point, the achievements which forces you to run 300 times over and over again the same old dungeon are useful. Or those things which force you to play something to earn a key that allows you to finally be able to play what you wanted in the very beginning... thatīs the way of playing. I canīt see going back. Is it bad? well I donīt know, is just the way it is, and actually, at some point there are some advantages to that system too.

    In my opinion, just relax, if you canīt go with the event timing, donīt worry, the next one maybe is going to be yours. If you lose "That latest and special chars" well next month you will have another chance for the next "Latest and special char"

    Uf sorry I didnīt want to extend this so much, last thing, give a try to those emulators like Bluestacks and etc. They might help you. Good luck there mate!
    "Is it me or is it shadows that are dancing on the walls"

  5. #5
    Senior Member HuckFinn150's Avatar
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    I have been looking at it this way. There is still a lot of Maiden lore to be tapped, but they are no longer seeking it. The game is now deviating from us core and it's making things easier for me. Now I don't really care about the new awakening or Viking toon. I run to support the clan and troopers. It lets me go after the missing pieces I didn't want to buy. The challenge has been gone for a while now, and I'm half way enjoying the game. Still if you look at it from a non fan view, it's a boring and repetitive game. Nothing really new one you finish the main story. From this view, I'm sorry I'm such an Iron Maiden fan. Oh well, back to the grind lol.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Saigrim's Avatar
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    They keep making characters as stupid as the latest one, I’ll be able to cut back quite a bit of my own accord. Game has gone way off course.

    Order of Eld Clan, One Member of Many

  7. #7
    Senior Member Yup's Avatar
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    Ragnor is pretty lame overall... You'd have thought he'd counter Mercenary's Mark of Diablo at the very least.. but nope....
    All there is in this app is to spend money or collect yet more frags... entirely pointless and unfulfilling..

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Same here, I came for Maiden and was blown away by Eddie's (Bruce's) scream when starting the first battle. Also, Playing with the characters from all albums and songs was a big motivation.
    Vikings though? Valkyries? Shinobis? Where the hell do they come from? Making a half-year "story" from one single song reference, losing all connection to the lore that has made this game interesting to me... nah, thank you very much.
    Also, the grind to stay competetive is getting crazy, and I seriously dislike the dozens of different currencies to keep traack on. The store is approaching a size where you need to have a map to find the stuff you are looking for, and still there are things that the players screamed for years ago that are not fixed or implemented.
    Sorry, but the way this is going, there are only a few things left I really enjoy about this game. The rest feels either like work or is boring and repetetive.
    Make Legacy Maiden again!

  9. #9
    Junior Member Ancient_Mariner's Avatar
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    Unless Maiden drop a new album based off Norse Mythology later this year none of these events/characters make sense. I get that delivering new content keeps the money rolling in but in a game based off Maiden lore, if you run out of ideas Dont Make Shit Up!

    With this lockdown I looked forward to running through all the frontier dungeons and grabbing all the content Ive been missing but with the constant events/updates/connection issues/resets/more connection issues Ive found myself playing less and less.
    Member of the Order of Eld Clan!

    'I know what I want, and I say what I want, and no one can take it away'

  10. #10
    Senior Member URock's Avatar
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    Calm down! It's a free2play beta game. Expect nothing and find YOUR way of playing with fun.

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