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  1. #1
    Developer Ruby_LOTB's Avatar
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    Feb 2019

    September 2022 Tuning and Update - DISCUSSION

    Discuss the September 2022's Tuning and Update Notes in this thread!

    Here's a link to our Tuning Notes.
    Last edited by Ruby_LOTB; 09-20-2022 at 07:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member GrimDusk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    A lot to say on this patch!

    No Prayer Eddie getting awakened is cool as is, but the fact we're seeing him get a fury is not only amazing, but it opens up a lot of possibilities. If adding a fury to a character is possible, then we might see more of that in the future!

    Dark Lucifer is... a bit troubling to be honest. Yes he's not that much more powerful than the regular Lucifer, but it seems like these "Dark" characters are going to start being a consistent part of LotB based on how the tuning notes phrase it. Yes, we've always had special editions and reskins, but this feels like it might become a bit tiring if done too often. Plus, him only being a 10% chance from the souls is a bit odd too.

    Besides that, new loading screens is fun, and The Haunted Boneyard seems like a nice upcoming dungeon. Overall, looking like a good way to start off October.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2017
    Poor Legacy's Alchemist already got the brunt of it on the discord, but Dark Lucifer is so bad you've got me logging in to this site again.

    If something is as minute as the passive like LA is claiming the intention is, why put it behind such a massive pay wall?

    Spending tens of millions in gold and a bunch of awakening mats just to find out it's not the toon you wanted (and pardon me for being blunt) just feels like a giant middle finger to the player base.

    If you want the end game players to spend more resources, give us something we actually want and we'll gladly spend it.

    This is just a very expensive loot box hidden in a cheaper loot box. It's not an investment, it's gambling.
    Summon the strength of millenniums past, forged by the fire and flame
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  4. #4
    Senior Member MisterEly's Avatar
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    Binghamton, NY
    No Prayer for the Dying Eddie has been my favorite Ed since his release, so I'm super stoked to see Fury, and what his Max Awakened form will do! I personally think this is HUGE for passive-only Eddies. Maybe they'll get their own Fury moves soon! That being said, the Dark Lucifer whatever is weird... as it stands, we can only get a single Lucifer soul, so this seems like a hint that there'll be a new way to obtain Lucifer soul frags. Right now, there doesn't seem to be too much of an incentive to warrant grinding for Dark Lucy, if he's going to be squared away behind a 10% chance of dropping from a soul that, at the moment, is only obtainable once, and requires a huge amount of commitment, time, and materials. At least he appears to be a different character, unlike the "Legends" Different World Machine God that you locked behind a 20 buck paywall, who's the same exact character with a new coat of shiny gold paint.

    All that aside, October usually brings some fun Halloween events, so I look forward to that. This is the *perfect* time to bring in Purgatory Eddie, in my opinion. We're running dry on Eddies that appear in official Maiden artwork, so until the band and associated people release them, it's up to you lot to create your own Eddies, which is a big task. But, you've proven you can do it, like with Muisca Priest Eddie, inspired by El Dorado!

  5. #5
    Member Aloizius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Can you please tell me when the Awakening Hunter Shards will be added to the Awakening Souls and Clan Store?
    Aloizius-1685 from FLAMMA clan
    What you give is what you get. Peace and goodness for all.

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