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  1. #301
    Sending an email to [email protected] will get you an automated email reply which include your request ticket number. PM Lamia via forum.

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaijester View Post
    Sending an email to [email protected] will get you an automated email reply which include your request ticket number. PM Lamia via forum.
    Told you, i received their automated email, but i don't see a ticket, a code or something, only some generic advice.

  3. #303
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2016
    I can not log in.... What can i do? I reinstalled, 3 times. I am w8ing around 30 minutes. Nothing! Any help? (I already sent email to [email protected]) I got the ticket. What now?

    Do i have to create a new account and then i have to talk with the devs via support in order to transfer my old account to the new?
    Last edited by Fakos13; 08-18-2016 at 10:03 AM.

  4. #304
    Senior Member URock's Avatar
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    Aug 2016

    it's not easy to get 3* evolution shards, but with the high drop rate of IRONITE you can reactivate your team after dying. Sry 4 my first review on timerift (it was late at night).

    Hope to kick my Soldier Eddie to 5* on Sunday (Gunner Dungeon).

    Clan: CeasarsLegion

  5. #305
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2016
    United Kingdom
    im loving the addition of the rare soul stone i must say (even though i prob get crap) it makes it exciting

    5* Lvl 100 Champions all maxed talismans (If on my trooper list, let me know if you need me to change my current Champ)

    * Grim Reaper (Champ)
    * FOTD
    * Carriage Rider
    * Warrior Troll
    * Warrior COTD
    * The Nomad

  6. #306
    Crashing every two three round loosing time of sand and trooper friend availability for one day.
    56000 hp for boss on final stage i believe is too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    On boss level some hits don't count.
    ".......iPad mini 2 retina iOS 9.3.2

  7. #307
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt_LOTB View Post
    hey hey

    Can I ask for details with regard to the talisman upgrade bug? are you still seeing this behaviour since the new game client released?

    what is happening, specifically? We weren't able to reproduce the issue where talismans wouldn't level completely on the new client (though we were able to reproduce it on the old one), so we understood it to be fixed. If it's still occurring I'll reopen the issue.

    Take a talisman, say level 1. Upgrade it to level 50. Most of the time, you get a "server error" and all your changes come undone.

    When it sticks, your new level 50 talisman would drop down a few levels later, maybe level 44 or something like that. The materials you used are still gone. (I haven't seen this since the dungeon patch last night, but still see the "server error" and lose upgrades. )

    And you still can't seem to purchase skill shards. Another server error/try later message.

  8. #308
    Senior Member
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    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunvis View Post
    Take a talisman, say level 1. Upgrade it to level 50. Most of the time, you get a "server error" and all your changes come undone.

    When it sticks, your new level 50 talisman would drop down a few levels later, maybe level 44 or something like that. The materials you used are still gone. (I haven't seen this since the dungeon patch last night, but still see the "server error" and lose upgrades. )

    And you still can't seem to purchase skill shards. Another server error/try later message.
    Yes, this happened to me as well last week before a fix was pushed thourgh, everytime when upgrading a talisman and you would return back to the Cosmos and then return you would find your talisman reduced again by about 15-20%, wasted tons of gold, you had to upgrade at least 3 times for it to stick.

    5* Lvl 100 Champions all maxed talismans (If on my trooper list, let me know if you need me to change my current Champ)

    * Grim Reaper (Champ)
    * FOTD
    * Carriage Rider
    * Warrior Troll
    * Warrior COTD
    * The Nomad

  9. #309
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Hey all,

    First time posting here but I've been lurking in the forums for a while now and garnering a great deal of information and I thought it was time to give some back

    Ok so firstly I have a theory about the crashing of the game, I too experience crashes on my phone (rooted Samsung Galaxy S2) from time to time but I have noticed one slight recurring theme...while I don't have nearly enough concrete evidence to back up my claims, based purely on observation I have noticed (for me anyways) that it seems some levels allow me to take in troopers time and time again (for example Snake Eyes on Hard) and it will not crash, BUT for other levels, namely the secret levels, if I DON'T take in any troopers, the levels work absolutely fine, no crashing, loads up the whole level and I play it through right till the end until I get my rewards then can go back to My Team or Cosmos etc. Now before I get treated like a heretic and am told "what's the point of troopers if i can't take them into battle with me" my point would be that at least it makes the levels playable AND if you find a level for farming (mine is the one I mentioned above, Hard level only because I have not unlocked Madness on Underworld yet) and it doesn't cause the game to crash when taking troopers in...just use that for your trooper AND shard/coin/rune farming. I feel everyone's pain, I have lost at least half of my trooper list of points in one day (roughly 15 at the moment) because the game crashed either when i was playing a normal level or a secret level, at least im thankful I was able to get back into the secret level and replay it without the trooper support, get my loot and run like hell! Something to think about as a workaround...

    Secondly game loading/installing issues...this is my IT support kicking in, I haven't seen it mentioned here hence why i'm saying it...when uninstalling an app on a mobile device (at least Android based devices anyway) don't just uninstall the app, go to the app manager in settings and clear the app data, remove every last trace of the app from the phone/tablet, then in the same screen do the uninstall, once that is done, go back and re-install the game fresh and make sure you do this over wi-fi, the game data is about 650mbs so the game itself to install is 57 mbs but if you are doing a "clean" install 100% make sure you are on wi-fi, it tells you anyway...

    Thirdly I was going to put this up aswell but someone else beat me to it...I use an android emulator on my PC called AndyOS, this thing is a gift from the gods, not only has it NEVER crashed on me while playing the game through the emulator, I have sat down and done marathon sessions on it (4 hours plus...well that's a marathon for me given how much time I do have on my hands to play on the PC) and the number of levels I have pumped through for grinding purposes is magical, it loads the levels quicker, finishes them, no lag and when you hit replay, it will load up in 10 seconds so you can keep powering through those grind sessions. Now granted I have a fairly beefy PC but in saying that it's about 3 years old so it ain't that beefy in comparison to what you can build now but I wouldn't recommend putting it on a laptop unless it is less than a year old as whatever you are running it on needs decent specs. The main reason I got the emulator is I hate playing on my phone, it kills my battery so I have to put it down to recharge it, i'm sitting there staring at a small screen as opposed to my 32 inch monitor, I experience lag (probably because of the age of my phone) and most importantly...I have never had it crash even when using troopers so this sorta fixes the issue in my first point, anyways just google it and give it a go.

    I have been playing this game for almost 2 months now and to be honest I love it and hate it equally, but to me the love outweighs the hate, why? Because it's fucking Iron Maiden man, you get to play as Eddie, you get to play as all these cool characters and while it is a bit repetitive, listening to Maiden music in the background while i'm bashing up characters is just excellent. Now this is where I drop into serious mode, I get that people have put money into the game and have had problems with the runes upgrading then psyching people out but not upgrading properly (happened to me too) or coins being lost, or dropping real money into the game and getting squat back but I will say this to everyone who is complaining about forced you to use actual money, however much you have spent, that was YOUR CHOICE, we all have the choice to play the game without dropping any money into it or by dropping money into it, I don't like being "that guy" but the game is brand new, it is being made by humans who make mistakes, but those same humans I have seen time and time again actually responding to forum posts trying to rectify problems and help out, be thankful of that, be thankful you are getting a response instead of a snake oil salesman riding off into the sunset with your money laughing. I get that it's frustrating, I really do, if it had happened to me I would be to because I have the right to be angry as does everyone else, but what I don't believe in is being toxic towards the people who are trying their best to bring you the best game that they can while also seeing to the issues that have arisen with it. Everyone has a different phone/tablet and if you know anything about testing, that puts a HUGE strain on being able to test the quality of a game in terms of it being non-buggy, what may work perfectly on one phone may not work well on another due to different environments, OS version etc.

    My point is ever since I have been reading posts on here it has been a fantastically supportive community with everyone trying to help each other out both the devs that jump in, the forum moderators and the game players alike and it's genuinely fantastic to see that kind of support, so if something is going wrong, it's ok, it's not the end of the world, you can put the game down for a while, when I had those login issues and crashes I just walked away for a bit, jumped on the forums here and had a look and saw the devs were aware of the issues and working on them. Bottom line...don't be a cunt, it's just a game

    My apologies for the extremely long post, if I have offended you with what I have said towards the end of the post...I don't care as I have the right to say what is on my mind I hope also my pointers above might help some people with some of their issues, please don't take my advice as gospel as I said, these are MY observations in MY environment, feel free to test on your phone/tablet and see what results you get, that's the scientific method right there and who knows if a common thread is found that might help resolve some issues...

    Peace to all and keep on trooping!

  10. #310
    Wow this is for beast hunt3r...

    Name:  The Most Interesting Man In The World 18082016202702.jpg
Views: 273
Size:  82.8 KB
    Last edited by Kaijester; 08-18-2016 at 12:28 PM.

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