Deals true damage to all enemies.
Stuns enemies for 1 turn. You are stunned for 2 turns.
Damage increases with your Max HP.
LV2/3/4/5 DMG+10/10/15/15%
Deals magic damage to an enemy
Damage dealt is based on your MAX HP.
LV2/3/4/5 DMG+5/5/10/10%
Deals magic damage to a single target.
50% Chance to Remove Beneficial Effects from the target
Titan Shield
Absorbs Damage for 2 turns.
The strength of the shield is based on your Max HP and will break if depleted.
Clutch (4 PWR)
Deals magic damage to a single target.
35% Chance to Stun enemy for 1 turn.
20% Chance to Silence the enemy for 2 turns.
LV2/4/6 DMG+10/10/15%
LV3/5 Effect Chance+5/5%
Blur (5 PWR)
Deals magic damage to all enemies.
40% Chance to Blind them for 2 turns.
LV2/3/5 DMG+10/10/15%
LV4 Effect Chance+10%
Equilibrium (6 PWR)
Removes Negative Effects for 2 turns.
Heals all allies for 2 turns.
Heals amount is based on your MAGIC and Max HP.
LV2/3/4/5 Healing+10/10/10/15%